Youth exchange "Volunteer. To be or not to be? ΙΙΙ" in Greece

The third edition of voluntarism themes youth exchange hosted by our organisation was implemented in Kouklioi village of Pogoni area in Epirus, from 1st until 11th of August 2016. 


The project hosted 25 young people and youth workers from Greece and France - it was a bilateral collaboration between YCE and Animaje youth organisation in France. The project was funded by the two involved organisations and supported by the municipality of Pogoni. 


During the youth exchange, the young participants got to know each other, learned about each other's culture, discussed about voluntarism and implemented various voluntarism activities in Pogoni area. The voluntarism activities included painting and gardening of KEFI building in Kouklioi village, oregano collection with local farmers, improvement of basketball field and playground at Vissani village. Apart from these activities, the participants also visited Ioannina city and Vikos gorge.