Youth exchange "Recycle with creativity" in Brzece, Serbia

“Recycle with creativity” was a Youth in Action project that involved 30 young people from Serbia, Greece, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina,  Albania and Italy and was held in Kopaonik mountain, in the village of Brzece in Serbia.


The main theme of the project was the environment. During different kind of activities, participants learned how the process of recycling of different trash happens in reality and how to reuse waste.


During the project, participants joined many activities, such as group building activities, creation and watching of presentations, reuse of different types of waste, also a “fashion show” was created by using waste to design new clothes.


Below you can see some pictures taken during the activities of the project.


"The project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author and the Commission is not responsible for any use of the information contained therein."