Training course "Social Innovation on Young Entrepreneurship" in Istanbul, 21st - 27th of October 2012

From 21st until 27th of October, a training course called “Social innovation on young entrepreneurship” was implemented in Istanbul, Turkey. 30 trainers, youth workers, project managers and young people from Turkey, Greece, Lithuania, Romania, Bulgaria and Czech Republic participated in the training course. The project was implemented by Urban Istanbul Group and it was created under Youth in Action Programme,  Action 4.3 – training courses.


This training course aimed to develop skills of youth workers, project managers, volunteers on social innovation and entrepreneurship; to invite youth workers and volunteers to inspire young people to be active participants of the social and economic life. All participants could exchange experiences and good practices about youth work and project management, share ideas and create new collaborations for the future.


The training was facilitated by two experienced trainers – Filiz Ayseli and Devin Bahceci. The activities and methods used during the training were non formal learning methods, such as group work, creation of new ideas of social entrepreneurship, watching movies about successful social entrepreneurship ideas, social entrepreneurship case studies, presentations, exchange of good practices of social entrepreneurship projects of the biggest telecommunication companies in Turkey – Turkcell, simulation exercises and more…





"The project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author and the Commission is not responsible for any use of the information contained therein."